CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass 9mm 115-Grain FMJ 1000-Rounds Case For Sale


The CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass 9mm 115-Grain FMJ 1000-Rounds Case is a prime option for range enthusiasts and high-volume shooters, offering excellent value with 1,000 rounds of clean-burning ammunition. Designed with full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets, it promises consistent performance and reliability for target practice, reducing feeding issues. The brass casings are equipped with standard boxer-type primers, making them reloadable for those who prefer hand-loading. With a grain weight of 115 Gr and a velocity of 1145 fps, these rounds ensure a smooth shooting experience. The specifications include the CCI brand, Blazer Brass model, 9mm Luger caliber, and brass case material. This bulk pack is a reliable and cost-effective way to ensure you’re well-prepared for extensive shooting sessions.

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