HSM Tipping Point 7mm-08 Rem Ammunition 20 RDs 165 Gr For Sale


    HSM Tipping Point 7mm-08 Rem Ammunition is a high-performance product from Hunting Shack Munitions, offering 20 rounds of premium 165-grain bullets acclaimed for precision and power. Renowned for its match-grade accuracy and outstanding terminal ballistics, this ammunition is designed to give hunters an edge in the field. Each round features the Sierra GameChanger projectile, a polymer-tipped hollow point boat tail optimized for penetration and controlled, explosive expansion, thanks to its specially formulated lead alloy and robust copper jacket. The ammunition also includes reloadable brass cases, high-quality primers, and powders, making it an excellent choice for competition, hunting, and target shooting. HSM Tipping Point ensures unmatched reliability and performance, making it a top choice for discerning shooters.

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    SKU: 1808425