MagTech Range/Training Ammunition .32 S&W Long 98-Grain 50-Rounds SJHP For Sale


    The MagTech Range/Training Ammunition in .32 S&W Long is a premium option for shooters who value precision and performance. Featuring a Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point (SJHP) design, this ammunition offers controlled expansion, making it ideal for both self-defense and hunting. Engineered for exceptional performance, it boasts specifications such as a 98-grain bullet weight, a muzzle energy of 132 ft-lbs, and a muzzle velocity of 778 fps. Packaged with 50 rounds per box and encased in high-quality brass for reliable feeding and ejection, the MagTech Range/Training ammunition is a trustworthy and versatile addition to any shooter’s collection, suitable for both training sessions and critical situations.

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    SKU: 1875367